Posts Tagged ‘competition’

“Ask Ogy” at E3 and win a t-shirt

Friday, May 20th, 2011

With less than 3 weeks to E3, the team here at Nnooo HQ are starting to get excited. Yes, as always, there will be a load to do before we get on that plane. However, the thought of all those lovely new games to test out and the chance to see Nintendo’s Project Cafe first hand will keep us working tirelessly until we board that big metal tube and hurtle across the Pacific Ocean at speeds that defy any rational logic. Bruce & Steven (aka Ogy) will be calming their nerves during the flight with whichever alcoholic beverage comes to hand when the trolley comes round; Nic will probably be sleeping! (more…)

Cast your Mo vote

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

We’ve returned from our Mission in Snowdriftland just in time to post the final Mo-off picture. Who do you think has the best facial hair, Steven “Ogy” Ogden or the spirit? Vote now and we’ll donate to the Movember charities for each comment.

Who has the best Nnooo Mo?