Posts Tagged ‘news’

Nnooo interviewed by Pocket Gamer

Monday, July 6th, 2009

Last week Damien McFerran (@DamienMcferran) of interviewed Nic. Below is a copy of that interview. You can also visit PocketGamer for the real deal (click here to do so).

“If you cast your minds back into the swirling mists of time you’ll recall that we spoke to Nnooo’s Nic Watt at the end of last year about the iPhone version of the bubble-based ‘puzzle shooter’ Pop.

We went on to grant the game the covetedPocket Gamer Silver Award when we reviewed it shortly afterwards, with our iPhone expert Tracy praising its “delicate balance between accessibility and sophistication.”

Watt has been far from idle over the intervening months and is putting the finishing touches to a DSiWare version of the game entitled Pop Plus, but he nevertheless found the time in his busy schedule to sit down and talk us through what we can expect from this new portable offering.”


Pop+ Solo – New videos

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

This being my second post in as many days I wanted to up date you all with some cool new videos we have recently put up on YouTube. First up is a video of the new Adventure mode.

Adventure mode features 16 waves of progressively faster and smaller bubbles. Every 4th wave we have added a boss battle and during the waves we have added mines to detonate, jets to push the bubbles about and golden fish to pop for extra points!


Optus Happy Place

Monday, June 29th, 2009

Last week I was kindly invited, by my friend @scottrhodie, to speak at Optus’s iPhone 3GS launch event in Sydney (Optus being an Australian mobile phone provider). My topic was to talk about developing games for the iPhone which I used Pop to illustrate how we approached developing on the iPhone and how we made use of the iPhone’s unique features. You can see the presentation below in all its YouTube glory!

Nic speaks at the Optus Happy Place


A post a day (or my mid-years resolution)

Monday, June 29th, 2009

On Friday night I attended #SHTBOX (chuck that into twitter) which is basically a group of friends and Sydney-siders who go along to the Clock Bar on Crown St and chat about social media (blogging, tweeting etc). I was invited by a friend @scottrhodie who works in PR and is a bit of social media specialist. It was a great night and I got the opportunity to chat to some really nice and knowledgeable people. (more…)

Pop+ Solo progressing well

Tuesday, June 16th, 2009

It has been a while since we have updated the news pages so here is our second in one day!

Pop+ Solo is progressing very well and is getting very, very close to being ready to submit to Nintendo. This week we are finalising the last few parts (saving, badges unlocking) as well as squashing all the little bugs which creep into development.

We have also submitted 5 videos to Nintendo for inclusion on the Nintendo Channel which we hope to release on a weekly basis. We will release these on youtube at the same time (please note we are not 100% if Nintendo Europe will be adding the videos before or after release of Pop+ Solo, we will keep you appraised of the situation).

Finally we also updated the Pop+ Solo page today with some new information on badges and modes.


Nnooo start work on a new application

Tuesday, June 16th, 2009

Just a quick update to say that we have recently hired a new programmer and started, in earnest, our next project.

This new project is not a game and is our first entry into the application side of DSiWare. We think many DSi owners will enjoy what we are working on and more will be revealed soon.

In addition to this news we are also working on our next game which is currently in the design stage. We hope to have more to reveal about this later in the year…

Posting from iPhone

Monday, August 11th, 2008

Just a quick note to say I can now post from my iPhone! So hopefully that means more frequent updates!


Nnooo status update

Wednesday, July 16th, 2008

Now that Pop is on sale what exactly are Nnooo up to?

With the great sales of Pop on WiiWare we are taking time to build our team starting with finding great coders. We recently hooked up with a great iPhone coder who will be working on bringing Pop to the iPhone. As we are still a small company we want to focus our bests efforts on making sure each game is as good as it can be. To this end we will first be focusing on the iPhone version of Pop before moving onto our next, new title.

We have several plans for new games in the pipeline which would suit both iPhone and Wii and once Pop is out on the iPhone we will be in a better place to decide how we should proceed.

However we are still looking for talented and passionate programmers so if you would like to work on Wii or iPhone and can work in Australia please get in contact!

Blog changes

Monday, July 14th, 2008

Just a quick note to say our blogs have changed from being made in iWeb to WordPress.

We made the change because unless you have a .mac or mobile me account iWeb doesn’t really work for blogs as you have to physically upload each blog entry by hand. WordPress on the other hand means that we can upload from any browser, email client and soon the iPhone.

Hopefully this will mean more posts, more frequently!

