A post a day (or my mid-years resolution)

On Friday night I attended #SHTBOX (chuck that into twitter) which is basically a group of friends and Sydney-siders who go along to the Clock Bar on Crown St and chat about social media (blogging, tweeting etc). I was invited by a friend @scottrhodie who works in PR and is a bit of social media specialist. It was a great night and I got the opportunity to chat to some really nice and knowledgeable people.

One of those people is @tiphereth who is another social media expert. The two of us chatted for quite a bit and she gave me a lot of great tips and ideas on how to start expanding my online presence, or rather that of Nnooo.

The main reason for wanting to expand the online presence of myself/Nnooo is so that people become more familiar with our products and we widen our reach. As a very small software developer Nnooo do not have the budget or time (and perhaps even desire) to create big branded marketing exercises instead we feel that creating a more personal presence online will help us in several ways. Firstly we think that the fans and users of our software will have a less face-less entity to interact with. While secondly we feel that big corporate marketing and face-less corporations become stagnant and full of their own self importance (something we really want to avoid).

To this end @tiphereth suggested that I start blogging and tweeting more. The benefit of both of these solutions is two fold: 1) I can do them both for free (which means more money to spend on development) and 2) blogging and tweeting are inherently more personal and will, I feel, reach out to our users better than a banner ad or TV spot ever could do. Subsequently I have set myself a target of trying to write one blog post each working day so that anyone who is a fan of Nnooo or a user of our software can start to read a little bit more about what makes us tick, what we like and don’t like or even what is happening in our world at the moment.

Now my aim is to not just post for the sake of it instead I will try to write posts which I think will be interesting to you all.

First daily post down more to come…


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