
A crowd shot from Supernova

A crowd shot from Supernova

I went to Supanova with my mate @scottrhodie at the weekend and had a blast (although was a bit hung-over). We wandered around agog at the Cosplayers, stands of comics, R2D2’s moving around and video games on display.

It was quite an afernoon. We attended a talk by the actor who originally played Apollo in the original Battlestar Galactica (and was also in the new series as a bad politician/terrorist). I’m bad with names but you get the idea. Anyway it was quite interesting although it seems a lot of them use it as a show-case to get their latest message accross. In his case it was how cool doing a continuation of the original Battlestar would be. The hard part for me being a little cynical is that the main reason seems to be so he can reprise his Apollo role.

I understand that many actors become associated with their characters. But surely there comes a point where you need to let go?

Anyway the real highlight of the show was seeing the Cosplayers and the lifesize remote controlled R2D2s. The amount of effort which has gone into both the Cosplayers costumes and the creation of the R2D2s is just amazing. Both were wandering around the show undisturbed which I think is very cool! The R2s in particular were being controlled by very adroit men who could hide the remotes behind their backs and stand at a really far distance away. This made it look like the R2s were moving through the crowds under AI!

I have taken some photos with my Nintendo DSi which you can see below (my Nintendo DSi was with me so I could show the guys from coolshite Pop+ Solo and our new app).

This is a kid dressed as Gora from Naruto

This is a kid dressed as Gora from Naruto

Battlestar Talk

Battlestar Talk

Blurry Cosplayers

Blurry Cosplayers

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