The best Wii games you didn’t play

Ah the trusty Wii. Originally a game-changer (literally) and enjoyed by millions as a console to help them get into shape, did it really get the use it deserved? How many people dug deep into the range of Wii games on offer, and how many even knew they could download games for the console?

Now inhabiting dusty cupboards and basements, cast aside by those looking for new experiences and excited for the arrival of the Wii U, let’s not forget this great Nintendo invention. It led the way at its launch and its unique interactivity inspired Nintendo’s competition to raise the bar for their own consoles. Plenty of loving care and attention went into making Wii games from Nintendo and third party developers alike, including us indie devs. It’s only fair then that we should salute this great console and the games which made it so much fun to play.

Games Beat asked some key industry figures, including our own Nic Watt, which Wii experiences they think deserved a wider audience. Take a look at this great feature and see how many of these games you’ve played yourself. Who knows, it might be worth dusting down your Wii and firing it up again for some great new experiences. Remember, it’s not gone yet!

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