Rip Ten’s Impressions of escapeVektor: Chapter 1

We went to E3 in LA to meet the major console manufacturers and check out the latest video game developments, including Nintendo’s Wii U. On the night before the conference we held a drinks reception for press and some of our closest Nintendo indie developer mates. Justin Berube from games site Rip Ten came along to our drinks and took a look at escapeVektor: Chapter 1. This is what he thought.

escapeVektor: Chapter 1 Impressions (WiiWare)

A few days ago I was fortunate enough to meet up with the fine folks at Nnooo to take a look at their upcoming game escape:Vektor: Chapter 1 for WiiWare.  escape:Vektor has an awesome, simplistic, retro look which really drew me in as soon as I saw it.

In escape:Vektor the player takes control of Vektor and attempt to escape the Wii’s CPU.  So basically you’re playing inside the Wii!  That’s the story anyway.

The objective is to have the player navigate Vektor across the all the white lines that makes up the level.  As Vektor crosses the lines they will turn purple indicating that the player has already been there.  This concept may sounds easy, and it is at first, but the challenge slowly builds up throughout the course of the game.

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