Archive for June, 2015

E3 2015

Monday, June 29th, 2015

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We recently flew to E3, the huge video game convention in Los Angeles. We go every year as it’s a great opportunity for us to talk to Nintendo, PlayStation and Xbox.

As usual we had a great time. Check out our pics on our Facebook album or on our Twitter page.

Blast ‘Em Bunnies on Xbox One!

Tuesday, June 16th, 2015



We’re delighted to announce that Xbox One is being added to the Blast ‘Em Bunnies launch lineup!

This means Blast ‘Em Bunnies will be available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita and Nintendo 3DS.

Check out our new E3 trailer above.

Blast ‘Em Bunnies is content and feature complete, we’re currently fixing bugs across all platforms and hope to release in quarter 4 this year.

Our official press release is below.


Cubemen 2 for Wii U – biggest ever sale!

Friday, June 12th, 2015


Cubemen 2 is on sale for a limited period in the Wii U eShop.

Download this award-winning game for only US$4.49 / €4.49 / £3.99 / AUS$5.99.

There are now over 11,500 user created levels to battle on!

This is the cheapest the game has been on Wii U, so now is your chance to grab a copy if you haven’t already got it.

Click here to go to our Cubemen 2 page for more information on the game