Archive for July, 2008

Nnooo status update

Wednesday, July 16th, 2008

Now that Pop is on sale what exactly are Nnooo up to?

With the great sales of Pop on WiiWare we are taking time to build our team starting with finding great coders. We recently hooked up with a great iPhone coder who will be working on bringing Pop to the iPhone. As we are still a small company we want to focus our bests efforts on making sure each game is as good as it can be. To this end we will first be focusing on the iPhone version of Pop before moving onto our next, new title.

We have several plans for new games in the pipeline which would suit both iPhone and Wii and once Pop is out on the iPhone we will be in a better place to decide how we should proceed.

However we are still looking for talented and passionate programmers so if you would like to work on Wii or iPhone and can work in Australia please get in contact!

Super Monkeyball

Wednesday, July 16th, 2008

I have bought quite a few games now for my iPhone so I thought I’d do little mini reviews or musings about them.

Super Monkeyball as you probably know tasks you with guiding your monkey, who is trapped in a ball, through a series of levels collecting bananas. At its most simple you must get from A to B as quickly as possible and you score higher for a good time and collecting more bananas. (more…)


Wednesday, July 16th, 2008

Ok so I am officially a geek (not that I probably wasn’t anyway)! I queued in the launch queue outside the Sydney Optus store just so I could be one of the first to get an iPhone 3g (well I need one to start making iPhone games, that is my excuse and I am sticking to it).


So my first impressions are as follows… (more…)

Blog changes

Monday, July 14th, 2008

Just a quick note to say our blogs have changed from being made in iWeb to WordPress.

We made the change because unless you have a .mac or mobile me account iWeb doesn’t really work for blogs as you have to physically upload each blog entry by hand. WordPress on the other hand means that we can upload from any browser, email client and soon the iPhone.

Hopefully this will mean more posts, more frequently!



Pop™ Now available in the EU, Australia and New Zealand!

Friday, July 4th, 2008

We are really pleased to announce that Pop™ is now on sale in Europe, Australia and New Zealand!

Players pop bubbles to score points and stop the timer from running out.


Pop can be enjoyed by anyone – casual gamers can simply play to pop  bubbles and keep the game moving, whereas advanced players will need  to pick their shots rapidly and accurately and generate combos to  maximize their score. (more…)