Archive for September, 2013

ORBITOR is coming to console

Friday, September 27th, 2013


For our second publishing deal we’re delighted to announce that the visually stunning space exploration game ORBITOR will be coming to console. Currently in development by Canberra studio Evil Aliens, ORBITOR is expected to be completed in 2014 at which point we will be publishing the game on console. Take a look at the trailer to see the amazing visuals in this game, not to mention the great audio! We’re really excited to be working with Evil Aliens on their first project.

For more information check out our press release below. (more…)

We’re a finalist in the NSW Export Awards!

Friday, September 20th, 2013

Finalist certificate

We’re very excited here at Nnooo HQ. We’ve just been announced as a finalist in the NSW Export Awards! We got this shiny certificate and we get to attend a swanky dinner at the Sydney Conference & Exhibition Centre on October 16th to see who wins.

We’ve issued a press release which tells you more about the awards. Wish us luck! (more…)