Tuesday, January 23rd, 2007
Got a Japanese 60GB PS3 for Christmas, here are my thoughts.
Bigger, better and more expensive than the competition. The best graphics, motion sensitive controller, blueray, wi-fi, hard-drive, photos, music, video, games, internet…. could they have put any more in the box?
Big, shiny and bold. The PS3 looks alright, not really like a games machine but also not really like a hi-fi component. It does look expensive so score on that one. The machine is easy to set up and running it in 1080i or 720p (still can’t decide which is better and I don’t have 1080p) it looks amazing on my HD LCD TV. I do think I prefer Sony’s Cross Media Bar (XMB) to Microsoft’s blades on the 360, it is just a lot quicker to get around the system with the XMB. Graphically I think it is too difficult to call on which is more powerful 360 or PS3 and frankly I am not that bothered as long as games look good and play well on what ever system then I will be happy.