Nic’s Fast Five with Digitally Downloaded
Wednesday, July 19th, 2017Nic was recently interviewed by Matt Sainsbury for Digitally Downloaded’s Fast Five series.
If you want to know what we’re currently working on check it out here.
Nic was recently interviewed by Matt Sainsbury for Digitally Downloaded’s Fast Five series.
If you want to know what we’re currently working on check it out here.
Are you going to Game ON at the Australian Technology Park in Sydney this weekend? Nic will be there, speaking on 2 panels.
Game ON is an interactive games and online video showcase celebrating innovation and creativity as part of Vivid Sydney 2015.
Nic’s panels are:
Diversity in Gaming – Saturday morning at 10:30 in Theatre 6B.
Running a Creative Studio – Sunday at 12:35 on the SAE Main Stage.
Check out the huge line-up of speakers and buy yourself a ticket.
If you do go, be sure to say hi to Nic if you see him.
Nic was recently interviewed by the guys at Pixel Otaku. He talks about Blast ‘Em Bunnies and the game industry in general.
His segment starts around 16:00.
We were recently featured twice on local indie support site Indie Bits. The aim of the site is “to help people go indie in the games industry and make a living doing what they love”. It’s a great site full of case studies, guides, workshops, book and tool resources and even a few rants. All designed to help the indie community in their quest to make games for a living.
This site is useful whether you’re thinking about starting up a games company, have just done so or even if you’ve been going for a few years. Take a while to explore the site and see how much it has to offer. Follow its creator, Epona Schweer, for a constant source of useful information on going indie.
In the first Nnooo feature, Epona interviewed Nic for a startup case study. She wanted to know about Pop on WiiWare, the first game we released. She also wanted to know why Nic went indie and what lessons we learned from making Pop. There are some useful insights here for aspiring developers.
The second feature is a video interview with Nic at a local IGDA Sydney playtesting event. There’s also a Developer Data Box, which details some useful information on the company, including how much it cost us to make Pop and how much revenue it generated in the first year.
Nintendo fan site WiiWareWave recently interviewed Nic about escapeVektor: Chapter 1. The interview is split into 2 parts. In Part 1, Nic talks about the graphical inspiration for the game, the development process, music and what happened to the other chapters. Part 2 covers the positive reviews the game has received, WiiWare file size limits, lessons learned and developer tips.
When Stephen Heller from MMGN visited our office to preview escapeVektor on the 3DS, he also interviewed Nic and Bruce. He asked about GDC, developing for Nintendo and PlayStation platforms, the state of the local industry and where we’re heading.
At GDC this year, Nic was interviewed by Electric Playground (see our GDC Diary, part 3). EP is a Vancouver based TV show which covers movies, other TV shows, comic books, collectibles and gadgets. The interview went so well they sent their Sydney based team down to our office to interview Nic about Spirit Hunters Inc. (more…)
As featured in part 3 of our GDC diary, Nic was interviewed by Gamereactor. They have recently released the interview which covers escapeVektor, Spirit Hunters Inc and Nnooo’s game making strategy. Click here to see the video
When the guys from Australia’s MMGN website got in touch for an interview, Nic was there to answer their questions on being an indie developer, the state of the Australian market, and of course Spirit Hunters Inc & escapeVektor: Chapter 1. See and hear what he had to say to Stephen Heller from MMGN.
Indie Dev Insight – Nnooo
It takes drive, motivation and a creative flair to be successful in the games industry, and Sydney-based developer Nnooo have all of its bases covered. With a successful game under its belt and a series of popular applications for the Nintendo DSi to their name, we recently had the chance to catch up with founder Nic Watt and discuss his thoughts on the industry, and find out a little more about their upcoming projects. (more…)