Posts Tagged ‘Wii U’

Cubemen 2 for Wii U scores 9/10 from Gamers Xtreme!

Wednesday, November 12th, 2014



Another 9/10 Cubemen 2 for Wii U review, this time from Gamers Xtreme!

“an excellent downloadable title for the Wii U”

Click here for the full review

Cubemen 2 levels created on Wii U – Hall of Fame

Friday, October 17th, 2014

Lunapolis(Gamm by vonhavak


We love the awesome Cubemen 2 levels created by Wii U players. At the time of writing this we are nearing 1,000 levels created on the Wii U, only 6 weeks after the game’s release!

We’re taken a look at all the levels created so far and picked out our favourites. It was such a difficult job and we could easily have picked out so many more. Here is our Hall of Fame: (more…)

Cubemen 2 for Wii U accolades trailer, plus code giveaway!

Sunday, October 5th, 2014



Check out our cool accolades trailer for Cubemen 2 on Wii U.

We’re also running a giveaway!

Follow us on Twitter and retweet this tweet for a chance to win a download code.

One code will be given away with every 50 retweets!

More awesome Cubemen 2 for Wii U reviews!

Thursday, September 11th, 2014

They’re still coming in, and they’re still awesome! Here are some of the latest Cubemen 2 for Wii U reviews.

9/10 – Nintendo Edge

“the best tower defence game I have ever played”

9/10 – Nintendo Enthusiast

“With tons of customization, tons of game modes, & excellent game play mechanics, Cubemen 2 should be on your Wii U”

Pietriots (no score given)

“a stimulating strategy game with solid game mechanics and almost never-ending content, which takes advantage of Wii U’s strengths to provide a very smooth experience.”

CGR Undertow (video review – no score given)

“It’s got a nice style, some awesome customisation options…and it’s just fun, you know? And it’s a game that thrives on the GamePad too.”

If you want to see more awesome reviews click here

Let’s Play Cubemen 2 for Wii U

Tuesday, September 9th, 2014



In our final Let’s Play video, Nic plays Skirmish mode.

Cubemen 2 for Wii U reviews – awesome!

Sunday, September 7th, 2014


The first Cubemen 2 for Wii U reviews are out and they’re looking good! Here’s a selection of reviews released so far:

9/10 – Another Castle

“This is a game for all ages, all skill levels, and is definitely one of the best pieces of software available on the Wii U to date. So get on the eShop and buy this…and enjoy what truly is a defining piece of software for this generation.” 

9/10 – 8-Worlds News

“It is one of the best surprises the Wii U eShop has had to offer in quite some time.”

8.5/10 – The Nintendo Objective

“It is a great indie title to own, especially for only $7.99. Cubemen 2 is an endearing multiplayer game that manages to reach its incredibly high goals.”

8/10 – Bago Games

“A fun game focused on strategy and creativity.”

Cubemen 2 for Wii U – Competition Winners!

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014


Thanks to everyone who entered our Cubemen 2 for Wii U competition. We had an incredible response, over 500 entries, so we increased the number of winners to 10.

The correct answer to our question about the number of Cubemen 2 levels already created was 8,000.

If you didn’t win you’ll have a chance to download Cubemen 2 for Wii U on the Nintendo eShop from 4th September for only USD$7.99 / €7.99 / £6.99 / AUD$10.49.

Congratulations to our 10 winners who have already been contacted via email. The winners are: (more…)

Let’s Play Cubemen 2 for Wii U – Defector and Territory modes

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014



In our second Let’s Play video, Nic plays Defector and Territory modes.

Cubemen 2 for Wii U Competition

Thursday, August 28th, 2014




Enter our competition to win one of 5 copies of Cubemen 2 for Wii U!


Let’s Play Cubemen 2 for Wii U – the basics of the game

Wednesday, August 27th, 2014



 We’re making 3 Let’s Play videos of Cubemen 2 for Wii U. This first one details the basics of the game.

Nic takes you through the Cubemen 2 for Wii U basics, including customising your Cubemen, levels and in-game settings.

He also plays a basic Defence game, going into more detail about the game’s controls, tactics, stats, achievements and the abilities of your Cubemen.