Posts Tagged ‘Xbox One’

Awesome Reviews for Blast ‘Em Bunnies

Thursday, March 10th, 2016



The initial reviews are in for Blast ‘Em Bunnies. Here are some of our favourites across all platforms:

Digitally Downloaded – 4.5/5 (PlayStation 4)

“what I love most about Blast ‘Em Bunnies is just how refined and precise the whole experience is.”

Aussie Gamer – 8.5/10 (Xbox One)

“a classic take on the wave-survival shooter genre steeped in charm and crafted for gamers with something to prove. Pick it up if you’re after a fresh challenge.”

Vooks – 4/5 (Nintendo 3DS)

“Ultimately, I find Blast ‘Em Bunnies to be an incredibly fun, clever and addictive game.”

Click here to see more reviews

Four New Titles Coming to our Publishing Arm

Wednesday, February 24th, 2016

Screen Shot all titles

We are excited to announce 4 new titles which we will be publishing on multiple consoles.

These are Majestic Nights by Sydney developer Epiphany Games, Rogue Singularity by Melbourne’s Considerable Content, Anodyne by Analgesic Productions in the US and The Legend of Kusakari by Librage in Japan.

Majestic Nights, Rogue Singularity and Anodyne will all be published by Nnooo on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One while The Legend of Kusakari will be published by Nnooo on Nintendo 3DS (already released on Nintendo 3DS in Japan).

Click here to go to our updated Nnooo page to discover all of our games or read more details in our press release below.


Blast Em Bunnies now available for digital pre-order on Xbox One

Tuesday, February 16th, 2016


The Blast ‘Em Bunnies main game and the Super Mega Bundle are now available for digital pre-order and pre-download on Xbox One!

Pre-order your copy now so you can immediately play the game when it is released on Xbox One on March 11.

The main game costs US$/€ 4.99 and the Super Mega Bundle is US$/€ 19.99.

Click here for more details of the Blast ‘Em Bunnies Xbox One pre-orders

Blast ‘Em Bunnies will also be released on PlayStation 4/PlayStation Vita (March 8th & 9th) and Nintendo 3DS (March 10th).

Check out our press release for more details of the Blast ‘Em Bunnies launch

Blast ‘Em Bunnies Release Dates – 8 to 11 March on multiple platforms

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

We’re thrilled to finally announce Blast ‘Em Bunnies is released on PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One and Nintendo 3DS between 8th to 11th March.

The base game will cost US$/€ 4.99 and add-on content, including additional skins and arenas, will be available from launch.

Our full press release is below.


Blast ‘Em Bunnies on Xbox One!

Tuesday, June 16th, 2015



We’re delighted to announce that Xbox One is being added to the Blast ‘Em Bunnies launch lineup!

This means Blast ‘Em Bunnies will be available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita and Nintendo 3DS.

Check out our new E3 trailer above.

Blast ‘Em Bunnies is content and feature complete, we’re currently fixing bugs across all platforms and hope to release in quarter 4 this year.

Our official press release is below.
