Posts Tagged ‘revenue’

Indie Bits features

Monday, May 21st, 2012

We were recently featured twice on local indie support site Indie Bits. The aim of the site is “to help people go indie in the games industry and make a living doing what they love”. It’s a great site full of case studies, guides, workshops, book and tool resources and even a few rants. All designed to help the indie community in their quest to make games for a living.

This site is useful whether you’re thinking about starting up a games company, have just done so or even if you’ve been going for a few years. Take a while to explore the site and see how much it has to offer. Follow its creator, Epona Schweer, for a constant source of useful information on going indie.

In the first Nnooo feature, Epona interviewed Nic for a startup case study. She wanted to know about Pop on WiiWare, the first game we released. She also wanted to know why Nic went indie and what lessons we learned from making Pop. There are some useful insights here for aspiring developers.

The second feature is a video interview with Nic at a local IGDA Sydney playtesting event. There’s also a Developer Data Box, which details some useful information on the company, including how much it cost us to make Pop and how much revenue it generated in the first year.