Posts Tagged ‘Intrinsic Games’

Official Nintendo Magazine – how to make an eShop game

Friday, April 27th, 2012

We’re featured in the May edition of Official Nintendo Magazine. Not once, but twice!

First of all, escapeVektor has a double spread in the magazine’s Select section, which details ONM’s pick of the latest Nintendo news. That in itself would have been great. But there’s more….. (more…)

E3 Diary (part 1)

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

After the positive reception we received from our GDC Diary blogs earlier in the year, we decided to write another covering our experiences at E3 in June.

The Kings of Geeks

In the weeks before the conference our focus was to get our games into a state where we could showcase our latest builds. We had to ensure that all the new features we had in Spirit Hunters Inc were coded into a playable state. As escapeVektor: Chapter 1 was being bug tested, we were keen to have all bugs fixed so that we could show the final version in LA.

Unlike GDC, there were no formal press interviews being set up but we were still keen to show the press the latest builds of our games. Renting a booth at the show is way too expensive for a small developer like Nnooo, and if we were to do this we would need to have someone staffing it at all times which is just not practical for us. We needed another way to reach out to our press contacts which would not cost an arm and a leg. We also wanted to meet up again with the other Nintendo indie devs who we met at GDC. We thought it would be cool if we brought everybody together in one place. Then we could show everyone what we were working on and introduce our indie mates to some press contacts. (more…)