Posts Tagged ‘PlayStation Vita’

PRESS RELEASE: Nnooo receives developer approval for Wii U™

Monday, July 23rd, 2012

Sydney, July 23 2012

Australian developer Nnooo has recently received approval to develop for Nintendo’s upcoming home console, the Wii U. The Sydney based studio is the first Australian developer to announce Wii U approval.

Nnooo has been developing titles for Nintendo since the studio was formed in 2006 and is best known for US WiiWare™ launch title Pop™, the myLifeCollected™ range of lifestyle applications for Nintendo DSiWare™, and most recently escapeVektor™: Chapter 1 for WiiWare.

“We’re thrilled to receive developer approval for this exciting new console,” said Nic Watt, Creative Director at Nnooo. “We can’t wait to see what the console is capable of and already have a number of ideas we’d like to experiment with.”

Nnooo is currently developing Spirit Hunters Inc, an augmented reality RPG for Nintendo DSiWare, and escapeVektor for the Nintendo 3DS™ and PlayStation®Vita, all of which are expected to be released in the final quarter of 2012.

“We’re very close to finishing Spirit Hunters Inc and escapeVektor,” said Watt. “We’ll be showcasing the games at Gamescom in Cologne in the middle of August. Once these games are completed we’ll be prototyping some ideas for the Wii U to get a feel for what we can do. We’ve already had a quick play with the hardware and everyone in the studio is super impressed by the GamePad and the capabilities of the Wii U itself.”

Spirit Hunters Inc and escapeVektor are scheduled for release in late 2012.


If you would like to meet us at Gamescom for an interview and/or to preview Spirit Hunters Inc and escapeVektor, please contact us at

More information about Nnooo is available at

Spirit Hunters Inc information can be found at and escapeVektor information can be found at

Spirit Hunters Inc screenshots are available here. escapeVektor assets are available here.

Join us on Facebook at or Twitter at

escapeVektor for the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita is being developed with the assistance of Screen NSW.

GDC Diary (Part 2)

Monday, March 26th, 2012

Thursday March 8th – the Joy of Jetpacks and Videoing Vektor

The second day started with one of those meetings we can’t talk about at the moment, but which could lead to an interesting future development. This is one of the things we love about GDC – there are so many industry people there to meet and talk with about potential opportunities. Of course, if anything does happen, we’ll let you know right here on our blog. (more…)

Nintendo Nation interviews Nic

Monday, March 5th, 2012

It’s almost time for us to fly out to San Francisco for this year’s Game Developers Conference. We’ve got an early build of escapeVektor on the 3DS to show press and the latest version of Spirit Hunters Inc. We’ve been flat out over the last few weeks making sure everything is prepared.

However, we’re never too busy for an interview. So when The Strikester from Nintendo Nation asked Nic to answer a few questions, he was right on it.


The Strikester

What happens when you make a successful WiiWare game? The Strikester talks to Nic Watt, the head of the team behind the hit game escapeVEKTOR.

NN: Congratulations on the success of escapeVEKTOR: Chapter 1 on WiiWare. What was the idea behind it?

NW: The idea came from several places. Firstly we wanted to make a new WiiWare game and thought that doing something fun and stylish with depth would appeal to the Nintendo market. Secondly we wanted to make something we could ensure would give the best game-play and graphics we could achieve with not only our resources but also within the confines of the WiiWare service.

I really like the idea of having a person trapped inside the player’s Wii and having to go through games to get out. This sparked the idea of a series of games telling the tales of Vektor, how he became trapped in your Wii and his subsequent escape. escapeVektor is only one part of that story.

Click here for the rest of the interview

GDC 2012 – Nnooo announces escapeVektor for new platforms

Friday, February 24th, 2012

PRESS RELEASE: GDC announcement – Nnooo announces PlayStation®Vita and Nintendo 3DS™ versions of escapeVektor™

Australian based games developer Nnooo has revealed their award-winning game escapeVektor will be coming to both the PlayStation Vita and Nintendo 3DS. escapeVektor is a retro styled arcade game in which the player controls Vektor, an entity trapped inside the console’s CPU.

The player has to help Vektor escape the CPU which has been holding him captive. In making his escape, Vektor must get through obstacles and avoid enemies, each with different hunting patterns and intelligence. As the player completes the various levels in the game, escape becomes more difficult. New abilities unlock to help the player outwit and destroy the CPU’s army. As the player continues through the game, old code and memories are unlocked which reveal more about Vektor’s past.

“We were delighted by the reception the WiiWare™ version of the game received,” said Nic Watt, Creative Director at Nnooo. “We originally planned to have four Chapters but have now decided to roll them all into one game and bring it out on these new consoles to reach a wider audience.”

The new version of the game will have new enemies and obstacles, plenty of extra levels and online leaderboards. Each console’s unique features will also be highlighted.

“Playing the game in 3D on the Nintendo 3DS is really cool,” said Watt. “With the background to each level pulsing in time to the cool chip-tune soundtrack you really get drawn into game’s environment. For PlayStation Vita players we hope to make use of near™ and location based leaderboards. We’ll also be experimenting with the front and rear touchscreen controls.”

An early build of the Nintendo 3DS version of the game will be showcased at GDC.

escapeVektor for PlayStation Vita and Nintendo 3DS is scheduled for release in late 2012.


If you would like to meet us at GDC for an interview and/or to play our latest build of escapeVektor on the Nintendo 3DS, please contact us at

More information about Nnooo is available at while escapeVektor information can be found at

escapeVektor screenshots are available here and here.

Join us on Facebook at or Twitter at

These projects are being developed with the assistance of NSW Trade and Investment.

We’re now an approved Developer and Publisher for PlayStation Vita!

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012

If you’ve read our E3 Diaries from last year you’ll know that we’ve been speaking to Sony for a while now about developing for the PlayStation Vita. Most of the discussions have involved trying to find the right person to speak to so we can move the process forward – gotta love these big companies!

Well, we finally found the right person and the process was relatively painless once they had reviewed a couple of our pitches. It probably also helped that we were already approved PS3 developers.

The most difficult part of the process was keeping quiet about it. Sony were keen to wait and make a developer announcement at Sydney’s PlayStation Vita launch party. So we kept it under wraps and in the meantime ordered a development kit to see what the system was capable of.

We were invited to the launch party and told to turn up at a wharf next to the Opera house to be transported to a venue on Sydney harbour. The “venue” turned out to be two floating platforms, one for the guests to eat, drink and play with the PlayStation Vitas and one for the speeches and entertainment. So we were whisked off by boat to the party and greeted with Champagne and Mojitos. The rest is all a bit of a blur. Man, these Sony types really know how to throw a party!

We’ve nearly decided what our first game for the PlayStation Vita will be so expect an announcement very soon!

Click here to see more PlayStation Vita launch party pictures