Posts Tagged ‘games’

Experienced Software Engineer required at Nnooo Studios, Sydney

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

Nnooo is a small independent games development studio based in Sydney Australia. We fund, develop and publish our own games and applications which are predominantly made for the Nintendo Wii and DSi platforms through WiiWare and DSiWare channels. Our titles include Pop/Pop+ Solo, the myLifeCollected series and the upcoming Spirit Hunters Inc.

Our success to date, combined with a strong current pipeline and a desire to extend our products to other platforms (including Nintendo’s new 3DS), has opened up a permanent position for an experienced software engineer. This is an opportunity for a passionate and committed games developer to join a small, professional and friendly team who make their own games and own decisions. The role will encompass whole game programming and the successful candidate should be able to demonstrate a successful history of programming all aspects of games to completion. (more…)

Joint release of myNotebook: Carbon and myNotebook: Pearl in Europe/Australia/New Zealand

Friday, August 20th, 2010

Sydney, August 20, 2010

PRESS RELEASE: Nnooo announces the launch date of myNotebook: Carbon™ and myNotebook: Pearl™ for Nintendo DSiWare™ in Europe/Australia/New Zealand.

Hot on the heels of the myNotebook: Carbon release in the Americas comes the joint launch of myNotebook: Carbon and myNotebook: Pearl in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Scheduled for release on August 27, these two new versions of myNotebook™ allow the user to save 128 pages, export their notes to their Nintendo DSi Photo Album and unlock brand new page types. They also feature new icons to indicate the time and current battery level.

“People are excited about the new colours and functionality so we are launching 2 of the 3 new colours on the same day!” said Nnooo’s Creative Director, Nic Watt.  “We hope to launch myNotebook: Pearl very soon in the Americas and the final release of this series, myNotebook: Tan, should come out in September.” (more…)

Pop the cork and enjoy some bubbly fun!

Tuesday, January 6th, 2009

Helping to bring in the New Year with a bit of bubbly Nnooo are releasing an updated version of Pop on the iPhone/iPod Touch as well as a brand new 99¢ app – Pop Chill.


This new patch has a substantial amount of content for a free update. The new Bonus mode allows users to play three, five or ten levels of each of the three bonus rounds with each level being harder than the last.


The new Bonus round Defend tasks the player with preventing any bubbles from getting to the other side of the screen, while the original Detonate requires the player to set of a chain reaction and Machine Gun is a bubble Pop-ping frenzy.

“We believe in continually updating our games so the user can get more content for their original outlay. Once they buy the game we will continually add new modes and features to make the game a worthwhile investment,” said Nic Watt creative director at Nnooo.


Mirrors Edge thoughts

Wednesday, December 17th, 2008

I have been playing Mirrors Edge now for a couple of weeks (off and on while I level my Paladin in World of Warcraft up to 80…).

I purchased Mirrors Edge based on the demo, which for me is quite rare as normally demos put me off games. The demo really made you feel able to go anywhere and do anything, or at least left me with those impressions. The retail game has moments of making you feel awesome and really fired up with all the great moves you can do.


Pop released on the iPhone and iPod Touch

Thursday, December 11th, 2008

We are pleased to announce the launch of Pop on the iTunes App Store today. You can download it here:

We hope you all enjoy the game and would welcome reviews on the App Store and comments in our community forums.



iPhone games and saving

Thursday, August 21st, 2008

I was in the Westfield Bondi Junction (a mall in Sydney) at the weekend waiting for the other half. So I took my phone out and took a look at what I could do to kill the time.

I have Monkey Ball, Crash Bandicoot Racing, de Blob and Trism on their atm but I decided I couldn’t play any of them. Why? Because of the way they save or don’t save when you press the home button.

Out of all of the games above only Trism saves its state when you press the home button. This makes short burst play hugely frustrating on the other games. Most mobile phone users will likely look to their iPhone to fill the gap in between meetings, or when they wait for people to turn up, or at lunch, or maybe on the bus/train/tube/ferry. All of these are short burst activities and the user needs to know that time has not been wasted.

If you look at both the PSP and the Nintendo DS they have a sleep function. So if you have to end your gaming quickly just put it to sleep and resume later. Now the iPhone allows software makers to save the application state when you press the home button the main reason for not using this is bug testing.

Saving the state and loading it on the next boot up has lots of testing implications. What happens if it is in this state or that state they press home? There are a lot of potential sticking points. However as a software maker our focus must be the user.

If the user is put off your game because of the above it could hurt their impressions of gaming on the iPhone full stop. So we hope, with Pop, we can get a good solution to state saving integrated so you can keep playing even if you have to interrupt it with real world stuff!


Tuesday, August 12th, 2008

I bought Braid last week and have now put enough time in to be able to air my views.

The first thing which struck me about Braid was the price, I also know from other sites that it is causing a lot of discussion. At 1200 points it is one of the more expensive xbla games put there. Now a lot of people are complaining about it being more expensive than other xbla games saying it is a short experience and not worth the price. What I find interesting is this idea of a ‘correct’ price point or one that reflects value and so forth.
