Posts Tagged ‘wii’
Tuesday, July 19th, 2011
After the positive reception we received from our GDC Diary blogs earlier in the year, we decided to write another covering our experiences at E3 in June.
The Kings of Geeks
In the weeks before the conference our focus was to get our games into a state where we could showcase our latest builds. We had to ensure that all the new features we had in Spirit Hunters Inc were coded into a playable state. As escapeVektor: Chapter 1 was being bug tested, we were keen to have all bugs fixed so that we could show the final version in LA.
Unlike GDC, there were no formal press interviews being set up but we were still keen to show the press the latest builds of our games. Renting a booth at the show is way too expensive for a small developer like Nnooo, and if we were to do this we would need to have someone staffing it at all times which is just not practical for us. We needed another way to reach out to our press contacts which would not cost an arm and a leg. We also wanted to meet up again with the other Nintendo indie devs who we met at GDC. We thought it would be cool if we brought everybody together in one place. Then we could show everyone what we were working on and introduce our indie mates to some press contacts. (more…)
Tags: 3ds, Amoebattle, Ask Ogy, bit.trip, Cave Story, developers, Divergent Shift, dsi, dsiware, e3, escapevektor, Gaijin Games, indie, Intrinsic Games, LA, microsoft, mmgn, Nicalis, nintendo, Nintendo World Report, nnooo, RipTen, spirit hunters inc, wii, Wii U
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Friday, May 27th, 2011
When the guys from Australia’s MMGN website got in touch for an interview, Nic was there to answer their questions on being an indie developer, the state of the Australian market, and of course Spirit Hunters Inc & escapeVektor: Chapter 1. See and hear what he had to say to Stephen Heller from MMGN.
Indie Dev Insight – Nnooo
It takes drive, motivation and a creative flair to be successful in the games industry, and Sydney-based developer Nnooo have all of its bases covered. With a successful game under its belt and a series of popular applications for the Nintendo DSi to their name, we recently had the chance to catch up with founder Nic Watt and discuss his thoughts on the industry, and find out a little more about their upcoming projects. (more…)
Tags: augmented, australia, developer, dsi, e3, EA, escapevektor, funding, Hunters, indie, interview, london, mmgn, nic, nintendo, nnooo, reality, retro, Spirit, watt, wii, wiiware
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Wednesday, May 18th, 2011
Nintendo World Report interviewed Nic at GDC and filmed his walkthrough of escapeVektor: Chapter 1. We also sent them a preview copy of the game to see what they thought when they played it through themselves. Find out exactly what they thought below and see the detailed walkthough video at the end of the preview.
Let me ‘point’ you in the direction of a new retro-styled WiiWare title.
Nnooo’s latest WiiWare game is a decidedly retro title with inspiration from arcade games like Pac-Man, Tron, and a bit of Every Extend Extra and Rez. In the first in a series of games, players find an entity named Vektor who is trapped inside the Wii’s CPU, and in an abstract way, they must help him escape.
The “CPU” is made up of series of interconnecting rectangles, or “cells,” of various sizes. Using the Wii Remote in NES configuration or the Classic Controller, players control an arrow, which travels along the edges of these cells. All lines must be traversed in order to open a door to escape. The concept is simple, but very engaging.
Click here for the rest of the preview and the walkthrough video.
Tags: arcade, chapter 1, escapevektor, every extend extra, nintendo, nnooo, NWR, pac-man, retro, rez, tron, vektor, wii, wiiware
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Monday, March 14th, 2011
We know you enjoy keeping up to date with what we’re working on and checking out what we’re up to when we attend conferences, so we thought we’d give you an insight into what exactly we got up to when we went to GDC in San Francisco. Here’s a little run-up info followed by a day by day account of our fun but hectic trip. (more…)
Tags: 2011, bit, dsi, escapevektor, gdc, Hunters, indie, interviews, iwata, kotaku, moscone, nintendo, nnooo, press, scottish, sitoru, Spirit, trip, wii
Posted in news | 1 Comment »
Tuesday, March 1st, 2011
We asked Nintendo Life if they would like to try out our latest build of escapeVektor: Chapter 1 for their First Impressions feature, and they said “Absolutely!” Read what they though of it below, or click here to go to the Nintendo Life site.
We take Nnooo’s trippy arcade title for a spin by Corbie Dillard
It’s now been almost three long years since Nnooo released its first WiiWare title Pop, and now after having turned its attention to DSiWare and its rather unique set of myLifeCollected applications, the company has decided to make a surprising return to WiiWare with the brand new title escapeVektor: Chapter 1. While there are no bubbles to pop this time around, Nnooo has taken a very simple concept and wrapped a unique gaming experience around it all. (more…)
Tags: arcade, bit, bit.trip, cpu, escape, escapevektor, first, impressions, life, nintendo, nintendolife, nnooo, trip, vektor, wii, wiiware
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Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011
PRESS RELEASE: GDC announcement – Nnooo announces return to Nintendo WiiWare™ with escapeVektor™: Chapter 1.
Australian based games developer Nnooo has revealed details of their new game under development for Nintendo WiiWare which they will be showcasing at this year’s GDC. Titled escapeVektor: Chapter 1, the game is a retro styled arcade game in which the player controls Vektor, an entity trapped inside the player’s Wii™. (more…)
Tags: 3ds, announcement, arcade, cpu, escape, escapevektor, game, gdc, nintendo, nnooo, press, vektor, wii, wiiware
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Tuesday, July 14th, 2009
Seeing as we have just submitted Pop+ Solo to Nintendo for approval I wanted to write a short post highlighting what sorts of things happens when submitting a game for approval and why we do it. Please note we are covered by a Non-Disclosure agreement so we cannot be too specific. I hope you find this post interesting. (more…)
Tags: approval, dsi, dsiware, news, nintendo, pop+ solo, submission, wii, wiiware
Posted in news | 14 Comments »
Tuesday, September 4th, 2007
I finally got my copy of Metroid Prime 3 yesterday. I had asked for it to be shipped DHL from Video Games Plus which they did but they sent it to my old UK address. Fortunately both of us caught this quickly and they managed to get another copy DHL-ed to me.
Anyway I spent a couple of hours playing it last night and managed to get through 2 bosses (or one boss and a mini boss depending on how you look at it). As I have not managed to complete it I’ll give you my first impressions.
Firstly Wow! It looks great, ok not HD great but for a Wii game it looks amazing. The first few minutes or hours are very different from a normal Metroid game in that 1) you have people speaking to you 2) you don’t have to kill everything you meet and 3) you get some help in places. This might put off die-hard fans but for me it fleshes out Samus’s world a little more without removing any of the core Metroid elements.
Tags: metroid, nintendo, wii
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Monday, August 27th, 2007
With the imminent release of Metroid Corruption I have started playing Super Metroid on the Virtual Console. Having never played a Metroid game until Fusion (on the GBA) and Prime (on the Cube) Super Metroid passed me by (I know I had a SNES and still never played it!).
Anyway coming to it as a relative newcomer is interesting for several reasons.
Guidance and objectives:
Super Metroid is really hard. Not because of the AI or the amount of health or ammo you get. Instead it is because there is very little guidance. It does not tell you how to use any of your abilities or where to go next. Instead you are left to explore and experiment to discover what to do and where to go. To this end it can be frustrating at certain sections becuase you think you are lost or even trapped.
Feeling trapped and unable to progress is an interesting one as there are several sections where you can blast a switch to open a door from one side that when you return you cannot open from the other side. This leads to a few moments of thinking ‘crap I am going to have to reset and start from my save again’. Interestingly, however, there are always ways out of the area you think you are trapped in.
Tags: metroid, nintendo, vc, wii
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Monday, April 23rd, 2007
I’ll try to get a bunch of these done today so I can catch up…
You don’t know about Wario Ware? Go to the back of the class. Wario Ware is, in all its forms, a compendium of mini games. Each one lasts seconds rather than minutes and you must not only complete the game to keep going but first you have to try to work out what exactly you have to do to complete the mini game.
Wario Ware needs only a Wii Remote but it does ask you to use it in various fun and unique ways. Each of these ways is called a ‘Form’ and they can vary from putting it on the ground/table top and quickly picking it up to holding it above your head while you nod, duck or crouch.
Tags: nintendo, warioware, wii
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